Black & White Copies

Black & White Copies
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Black & White Copies

For health precautions, it's best to not have your patrons sharing menus or handouts showing your services.  

To keep costs down please consider our black & white copy options- or folded brochures.  

We have selected the most economical paper weight for this type of job - 60# text.  If you prefer a heavier weight paper just let us know and we can provide a quote.

If you want us to look over your file, and send you a proof to sign off on please select YES - check my file. There is an added charge, but this will assure you that any issues will be caught and addressed before we print your art file.  We are happy to provide a quote if we see an issue that we can easily fix. 

  • Size: 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17
  • Paper: 60# text
  • Ink: Black ink - 1 side or 2

Black & White Copies - Menus & Services Flyers- 60# text

Black & White Copies - Menus & Services Flyers- 60# text   (B&W)
Click Image to Enlarge

For health precautions, it's best to not have your patrons sharing menus or handouts showing your services.  

To keep costs down please consider our black & white copy options- or folded brochures.  

We have selected the most economical paper weight for this type of job - 60# text.  If you prefer a heavier weight paper just let us know and we can provide a quote.

If you want us to look over your file, and send you a proof to sign off on please select YES - check my file. There is an added charge, but this will assure you that any issues will be caught and addressed before we print your art file.  We are happy to provide a quote if we see an issue that we can easily fix. 

Size: 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17
Paper: 60# text
Ink: Black ink - 1 side or 2
Form ID: B&W

  1. Choose Quantity
  2. ?

    When placing an order, providing a name to your order assists everyone when it comes to understanding what you are looking for. It also makes it much easier to place a re-order. We suggest using a description such as- About Us Flyer, Celebrating 25 Years in Business Invite, Numbered Invoice 2 Part Form, Notepads - 50 sheets, etc.

  3. *Size

  4. *Sides


    If your document includes printing on both sides of the page, choose double-sided. If you only want printing on one side of the page, choose single-sided instead.

  5. *Folding Options

    View Folded once in the center, creating two, equal halves.
    View Bottom third folded up and top third folded down, overlapping it. Common for letters, flyers, and brochures.
  6. *Turnaround Times (QT)

    Note: Shipping and delivery are not included in these turnaround times. Need it sooner? Contact a Client Services Representative at 239-590-9797.
  7. *Personalized File Check Do you want us to check your work or run as-is?


    We will check your file for print quality. 

    Check no if you do not want a preflight, and your file will print as is.

    Check yes of you would like us to check your file for deficiencies that could result in poor print quality.


  9. File(s)

  10. Please note our Terms and Conditions
  11. If you don't see what you are looking for please email or call us.